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Brand Peters PC

Dog Parks and Liability for Bites

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite at a California dog park, you're likely wondering about the next steps and if legal action is necessary. Navigating the aftermath of a dog bite incident involves understanding specific legal nuances, especially in California where dog park cases operate differently than other dog bite cases.
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Brand Peters PC 

Hurt on a Friend or Neighbor’s Property: Should I Sue?

Finding yourself injured on a friend or neighbor's property puts you in a tricky situation. It's an all-too-common scenario where personal relationships and legal obligations intersect, leaving you uncertain about the best course of action, especially if you've experienced damages as a result.
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Brand Peters LLP

Delivery Driver Safety Tips

Working as a delivery driver poses many risks, as car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the United States.
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Brand Peters LLP

Construction Site Safety Tips

If you’ve ever been on a construction worksite, you know how dangerous it can be. However, there are certain measures you can take to help keep yourself safe from construction workplace hazards.
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Brand Peters LLP

Workers’ Compensation: What You Need to Know

Becoming injured is never favorable, but it can be even worse when your injuries are sustained at work and impact your ability to effectively do your job. Luckily, workers’ compensation benefits are granted to the majority of California employees.
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Brand Peters LLP

California Panel QME Evolution: Let's Admit the Process is Flawed and Ineffective

The medical legal process has evolved over the years. The Panel QME (“PQME”) process did not exist for dates of injury prior to 2005 instead medical disputes were resolved by QME’s or AME’s selected by the parties. At trial, judges were presented with medical reports from all of the medical legal evaluators, along with the primary treating physician.
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